" /> Life-Skills on Gender Education – ANYVS

Life-Skills on Gender Education


Pindarica Malyrojsiri

Peace Resource Collaborative,

Bangkok, Thailand

No of Session: 2        

Duration of every session: 60 mns.


Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges in everyday life. This life skill on gender education in adolescents and youth is catered towards the needs of adolescent and youth who are facing day-to-day challenge on psychosocial health issues that have implications on gender and sexuality.

Training Outline:

  1. Understanding gender
  • Gender roles
  • Masculinity and Femininity
  • Others gender identity (how to fit in social norms? Inclusion and exclusion)
  1. Relationship and intimacy
  • What is love and relationship?
  • Positive adolescent sexuality
  • Sexual violence (psychological abuse and physical violence)
  • Managing emotions and coping with negative adolescent relationship and sexuality

Training Outcome:

We are hoping, the participants will get to know and able to understand the followings:

  • Participants are able to develop an understanding about gender roles within their own social context.
  • Participants are able to develop an understanding on gender diversity.
  • Participants are able to interact with respect to the person who may have gender identity different from the social norms.
  • Participants are able to develop critical thinking on gender related issues.
  • Participants are able to reflect on the values in relation to the concept of relationship and intimacy.
  • Participants are able to develop healthy sexual attitudes, behaviors, relationships.
  • Participants are aware of what are physical and psychological sexual violence.
  • Participants are able to mitigate risks of sexual violence and how to manage their emotions and necessary steps in dealing with negative relationship and sexuality.