Inauguration ceremony of the Green Volunteers Issue 3 was held today at Dhaka University Central Students’ Union (DUCSU). Prof. Md. Roshidul Hasan, President, ANYV was the chief guest in the program. He inaugurated the link open for all to download and gave his valuable speech on International Mother Language Day and he also demonstrated the magazine to the audience. ANYV volunteer members, EC Members, Writers and Editorial Board Members were present there.
Aritri Roy Priota, youngest writers of the magazine told that,”This is my first writeup in this Magazine. This a great experience for me. I’d also like to write in future issues.” Razia Sultana Emu, volunteer member and one of the writers of the magazine presented a beautiful song to remember the Martyrs who gave their valuable lives for our Mother Tongue. The ceremony ended up giving the floral offering to the National Shaheed Minar.
Here are some memories of the program: